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Session 1:
your life value system

This session lays the foundation to creating your life value system. This set of strategies, that when properly defined and executed, will guide you to better time management, and ultimately a healthy work/life balance.

Session 2:
Where do you spend your time?

Discover the real truth to where your time goes and reveal the gap between what matters and should be given your time, versus what distracts you and dominates your time with busyness.

Session 3:
Your best YES!

There is a big difference between being busy and being productive. In this session, you will learn how to make choices to increase your productivity.

Session 4:
Time to find more time

Discover the 3 specific disciplines that can increase your productivity, place you in a better mood, generate a higher amount of energy, and help you foster better relationships with others.

Session 5:
Sustain success with a great plan!

With all the options, with all the things that need to be done, how do you get them done? This session details how to create and stick with your plan.

Session 6:
Coming Soon!

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We promised surprises! A bonus session will be coming your way in just a few days. Stay tuned.