Leadership Randy Fox Leadership Randy Fox

Is your to-do list killing your legacy?

It is easy to get caught up in our to-do list as we work hard to achieve the goals we have set. But have you ever stopped to evaluate how you are spending your time? Are you chasing the things that matter the most? As you reflect on how you spend your day, your week, your year, and ultimately, your life, what impact are you making on those in your life? 

It is easy to get caught up in our to-do list as we work hard to achieve the goals we have set. But have you ever stopped to evaluate how you are spending your time? Are you chasing the things that matter the most? As you reflect on how you spend your day, your week, your year, and ultimately, your life, what impact are you making on those in your life? 

Check out the video above to see how you can go beyond just achieving goals to build a legacy and make a difference.

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Leadership Randy Fox Leadership Randy Fox

Are your expectations toxic?

Have you ever waited for something with excitement and anticipation that didn't happen? Maybe you were passed over for the promotion, the raise didn't come through, your friends or family let you down. As you think about your response to these unmet expectations, I challenge you to ask your self, 'Are my expectations toxic?' Toxic expectations can be detrimental to your goals, career, and relationships. Check out the video above to learn how to identify toxic expectations.

Have you ever waited for something with excitement and anticipation that didn't happen? Maybe you were passed over for the promotion, the raise didn't come through, your friends or family let you down. As you think about your response to these unmet expectations, I challenge you to ask your self, 'Are my expectations toxic?' Toxic expectations can be detrimental to your goals, career, and relationships. Check out the video above to learn how to identify toxic expectations.

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